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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rock life with college.

Written March 26, 2010

This day has rocked my college life big time!

Well, it started with a waking up early this morning. I heard my 2330 classic sound its alarm past 7. I opened my eyes with hope that the news I'll hear later is at least good.

After fixing myself in the bedroom, I readily went to the kitchen, cooked my Nissin Yakisoba and ate it right after.
I opened my laptop one or two hours after breakfast wishing that the good news will welcome me in my Yahoo mailbox. But it was not there. I resorted to turning my laptop off once... twice...

10 o'clock. I ate my lunch this early while tuning in an FM station which happens to be interviewing Senator Richard Gordon. Whenever I am upset, frustrated or excited for something, I always feel like throwing up what I am eating. Today, I experienced the similar sensation that haunted me hours before UPCAT. But, it is more intensified this time. Maybe because what I was expecting to happen is crucial for my self-assessment of whether I deserve my slot in this university or not.

After lunch, I checked it once more. Darn, it is not yet there.

Frustrated, I took a bath, changed my clothes, organized what I will bring and there I went to the place I have grown to love.

I traveled to my home as if today is just an ordinary day.


I was so amazed with what had happened that day. I wonder if I could repeat things all over again. :)